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To Inspire, Encourage, Share, and Learn

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Music with a primary focus on Biblically focused, Christ exalting, & theologically rich hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs for the daily Christian walk. With songs such as Lord from Sorrows Deep I Call, Almost Home, Christ Will Be My Hideaway, & Ancient of Days, this playlist has been carefully curated to reflect the range of our daily lives: songs of lament, words of praise, the Psalms, and more.

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Especially curated with the congregation in mind. This playlist is filled with songs rich in theology & Biblical doctrine as well as encouragement for the Christian life. Taken directly from the songs sung at the former home church of the Worship through Song Project's founder. Featuring Nathan Drake, Matt Boswell, Enfield, Getty Music, Sovereign Grace Music, Hymns of Grace, & more.

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Tired of Jingle Bells & Santa Baby? Worship through Song presents a playlist featuring hundreds of solid Scripture saturated songs of Noel. With timeless favourites like Hark the Herald Angels Sing to newer Christ exalting songs of the season such as Sing We the Song of Emmanuel, this collection will fill your home with Christ's truth this year.

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Four songs to sing that speak the truths of our God: updated monthly.
Lets listen, learn, sing out, and repeat these songs together with family and friends throughout this month!
Sing to the LORD a new song [Psalm 96]

Playlists: What I Do
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These rich songs of Biblical truth for life are intentionally paired with each other to give hope in trials, joy in both the good & bad, encouragement in every day, and a renewed certainty that Christ is still on the throne through it all. Songs filled with congregational song from sources that consistently prove themselves dedicated to the accurate exposition of the Word of God, the edification of the saints, and the furtherance of the Gospel message. Featuring Founders Ministries, The Master's Seminary, Hymns of Grace, Enfield, & Kory Welch.

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Commuting by rail, bus, car, bicycle, or foot - this is an edifying alternative to the stale morning show charged with questionable content. Daily Commute provides a wide mix of theologically rich worship through song from timeless anthems of truth (like His Mercy is More) to fresh discoveries (Our God Will Go Before Us)! Updated regularly. Featuring music by No Less Days, Steven Curtis Chapman, Starfield, Boyce Worship Collective, and Shane & Shane. 

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This is a collection of singable worship through song for the family, individual, or the church intent on learning songs of truth, not just catchy tunes. Featuring Grace Immanuel Bible Church, No Less Days, The Trails Church, Nathan Drake, Enfield, Matt Merker, & more.

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Songs of lament may be unpopular but are so vital in believer's lives for personal, family, and corporate worship through song. Songs of Lament bring us low in our need for our Lord. But, they do not leave us there. Just like the Psalms, Songs of Lament challenge and encourage our heart to praise Him still; to offer a sacrifice of praise, even if we don't feel so inclined.

Playlists: What I Do
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If your church doesn't have a hymnal or is seeking new music, Compass Media Studios & the Worship through Song Project has curated a playlist of Gospel saturated songs, both old and new, arranged for Bible focused churches intent on shepherding believers with Christ exalting, edifying, and theological worship through song.

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What lyrics are heard around your house or in the car? These hymns, psalms, & spiritual songs are produced especially for the little ears among us (see this article for the very little ears). Designed to encourage, give joy, & fill minds with Christ exalting truths, these are songs that will remain in your family's hearts & minds for years to come. Featuring Getty Kids, Kingdom Kids, Grace Community Church (Sun Valley), and CityAlight.

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Hymns of truth from the ages: From It Is Well to In Christ Alone; these are the hymns that assure, encourage, and restore our soul with truth and wisdom. Featuring covers and original songs by Nathan Drake, Matt Boswell, Hymns of Grace, The Trails Church, Norton Hall Band, & The New Irish Choir and Orchestra.

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A collection of lively and joy-filled modern & traditional hymns, psalms, spiritual songs & praise to our God. 'Awake, O sleeper, the Lord is your keeper. Arise from the grave to life unmarred. Stand firm your ground, take heart you soldier now! The war is won, but the battle's just begun!' - The Enfield Hymn Sessions

Playlists: What I Do
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Speak Truth is a unique and diverse list of tracks, both familiar and unfamiliar; songs that consistently speak truth to our hearts. Featuring The Corner Room, Emu Music, Na Band, Grace Immanuel Bible Church, Travis Cottrell, & Kenwood Music.

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As the Bible states, Christians are commanded by the Lord to sing. This collection of songs from churches, conferences, and choirs is rich corporate worship lifted to the Lord in praise, supplication, and lament. Featuring Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Hymns of Grace, G3 Ministries, Founders Ministries, Coram Deo Pastor's Conference, The Master's Seminary, Sovereign Grace Music, & Grace Community Church (Nashville). 

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Worship through song with Biblically-driven hymns and songs, perfect for congregational worship in Biblically grounded churches.  The music here is rich in doctrine and sound theology, ensuring your heart and mind are united in glorifying God. Featuring Hymns of Grace, Enfield, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, G3 Ministries, & Sovereign Grace Music.


The words are what matter. But sometimes we know these great songs of truth so well that we sing along to their instrumental versions aloud or in our hearts. This is a playlist designed for instrumental portions of ceremonies and other suitable occasions. Contains many of the traditional and modern hymns found in the vocal playlists.

Playlists: What I Do
Playlists: What I Do

Originally created prior to the 2016 United States Elections and the turmoil surrounding the pursuits of the world, Refocused (originally titled Encouragement '16 and Not Our Home) directs the believers thoughts and attitudes on Christ alone in the face of trials  and temptations.

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A collection of hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs discovered and rediscovered from ancient, traditional, & modern sources. Designed to listen, learn, teach others, and sing together!

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Since October 2019, the Worship through Song project has been encouraging families to sing together through the Focus on 4 initiative. This is the collection of monthly songs from the Focus on 4 playlist. 

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Scripture saturated music focused on and taken from the Psalms. Featuring great renditions of this poetry and song by artists such as Matt Boswell, The Master's Seminary, Already Not Yet, Shane & Shane, and more.

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Featuring choruses of voices raised in unison to our God, this collection features English Cathedral styled traditional & modern hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs of truth including: Fulness of Grace, Praise My Soul the King of Heaven, Be Still My Soul, and Morning Has Broken.

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Louer à Travers le Chant | Hymnes, psaumes et chants spirituels qui disent la vérité. Une collection de louer a travers le chant pour le monde francophone.
Présentant Pasteur&Compagnie, Chorale Psalmodie, Sebastian Demrey, Keith & Kristyn Getty, et plus.

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Himnos, salmos y cánticos espirituales que hablan la verdad. Esta es una colección de 'Adorar a Través de la Canción' diseñada para que las iglesias y las familias escuchen, aprendan y canten juntas.
Presentando Gracia Soberana Música, La IBI, G316, y más.

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Hymnen, Lieder und geistliche Lieder
Diese Playlist enthält Songs von Thomas Hochstetter, Keith Getty, EBTC Musik, Arche Musik, & Ralf Conrad.

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Teaching joyful songs that emphasize God's love, creation, and goodness, providing a joyful and engaging worship experience while emphasizing foundational truths in an an age-appropriate way. Geared towards those hearts who may not yet be redeemed.
Featuring music by Sovereign Grace Kids, Keith & Kristyn Getty, CityAlight, & others.

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Louer à Travers le Chant | Hymnes, psaumes et chants spirituels qui disent la vérité. Une collection de louer a travers le chant pour le monde francophone.
Présentant Pasteur&Compagnie, Chorale Psalmodie, Sebastian Demrey, Keith & Kristyn Getty, et plus.

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Himnos, salmos y cánticos espirituales que hablan la verdad. Esta es una colección de 'Adorar a Través de la Canción' diseñada para que las iglesias y las familias escuchen, aprendan y canten juntas.
Presentando Gracia Soberana Música, La IBI, G316, y más.

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Hymnen, Lieder und geistliche Lieder
Diese Playlist enthält Songs von Thomas Hochstetter, Keith Getty, EBTC Musik, Arche Musik, & Ralf Conrad.

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